8 |
Mateu Hunter (mateu) |
Indexar i Cercar amb Elasticsearch [community] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 17:00 |
7 |
Javier Arturo Rodriguez |
Easy native wrappers with SWIG [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 10:00 |
5 |
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (jmerelo) |
Testeando en la nube: un acercamiento a Perl desde la literatura [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 18:00 |
5 |
Diego Kuperman (diegok) |
Scrap, scrap it all! [begin] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 15:30 |
5 |
Jose Luis Perez Diez (jluis) |
Marpa::R2 First Impressions revised [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 11:00 |
5 |
Dolça Moreno (dulzet) |
Magicpl: framework per a desenvolupament d'aplicacions web [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 09:30 |
5 |
Sereal: Compact and fast serialization at Booking.com [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 15:00 |
4 |
Alex Muntada (alexm) |
Designing a web UI for a legacy password manager [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 14:30 |
4 |
Jose Luis Martinez Torres (JLMARTIN) |
Set yourself free from the system: managing non-system Perls [community] |
20 minutes | 08/11/14 11:30 |
4 |
Marc Egea i Sala (meis) |
2048 strikes back [community] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 12:00 |
3 |
Alba Ferrer (alba) |
Aprengueu a programar en Perl amb Perltuts [begin] |
110 minutes | 08/11/14 09:30 |
3 |
gregor herrmann (gregoa) |
From Debian, with ♥ [community] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 15:30 |
2 |
Javier Moreno |
Programación orientada a objetos (de verdad) [begin] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 12:00 |
1 |
Txor |
logParser: Cómo vencer contra un log difícil [community] |
lightning | |
1 |
Ivan Belmonte (ibelmonte) |
Open source multi device video streaming for SpotFav [community] |
lightning | |
1 |
Oriol Soriano Vila (Uree) |
Forget about writing SQL: Intro to DBIx::Class [begin] |
50 minutes | 08/11/14 14:30 |