Thanks to ETSETB

30/11/14 13:07 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

The organization would like to thank the Telecommunication Engineering School at UPC (ETSETB) for providing in a very short notice a room where the assistants to the workshop were able to have lunch comfortably and socialize with each other.

Live streaming!

08/11/14 10:02 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

Barcelona Perl Workshop 2014 streaming live on Youtube.

Live streaming and recording community track

07/11/14 23:34 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

There will be live streaming of talks happening on room C6-E101 (community track) through Youtube. We will announce the streaming URL at 9am on Saturday.

If you miss the date, don't worry because the talks will be made publicly available too after post-processing.

Lunch for free!

07/11/14 01:40 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

We're very happy to announce that all attendees to the Perl Workshop will benefit from a finger lunch, for free thanks to our kind sponsors.

Meet our lovely sponsors

06/11/14 23:42 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

We would like to thank our sponsors for helping us making a better workshop for everyone of you to enjoy:

Ticket deadline extended

25/10/14 01:03 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

We'd like to give a last change to people that haven't purchased their ticket yet: if you pay before Sun Oct 26 at 23:59 CET you'll get your T-shirt for free as promised. On Monday we'll be ordering the T-shirts and we'll order a few more just in case, but we may not be able to accommodate late registration T-shirt sizes unless you purchase the ticket on time. Registration will be finally closed on Sun Nov 2 at 23:59 CET.

Deadlines and useful hints for hesitant speakers

05/10/14 13:21 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

The workshop organizers agreed a few days ago on two important deadlines that you should take into account if you plan to attend Barcelona Perl Workshop on Nov 8:

In case you'd like to make a proposal but have some doubts, please consider the following:

In case of any doubt or question, please contact the organizer team.

Payment system is ready, more talks are needed!

16/09/14 18:43 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

We're happy to announce that the payment system is ready and you can purchase the conference ticket to confirm your registration to the workshop. You can choose to pay either by credit card or bank transfer.

Please note that everything regarding your bank account and credit card number is handled by the bank. We do not have access to your credit card information at any time during the payment process. We just get the money in the end ;-)

Remember that you don't have to pay if you're a speaker, so we encourage people to send more talk proposals. We have 8 talks already but the schedule is far from being full.

Registration Open

27/08/14 20:32 by Alex Muntada (‎alexm‎)

The registration of upcoming Barcelona Perl Workshop 2014 is already open and you can also submit your proposals, so don't wait for the last moment (remember that speakers can attend the workshop for free). Please, be warned that there's a limit of 80 attendees.

The payment system is still being setup, but hopefully it will be available no later than one month before the workshop starts.

Find more information on the wiki regarding the details of the workshop, but you're welcome to help too.